Novice Pack
Do you want to learn guitar while building a solid foundation for your future guitar playing?
Then this is the right program for you!
The Novice pack is properly designed to help you:
- meet the instrument (aka guitar anatomy, correct hands position, correct posture etc)
- get familiar with the chords & rhythm and how to integrate them
- play simple tunes, with a low difficulty level
Early Intermediate
After you fix the first chords on your guitar & learn the major scale, it’s time for you to walk in the shoes of your favourite guitar players.
This program provides you with:
- the very basics of solo-ing (like scales or picking)
- loads of “tooltips” for improvisation and for adding dynamics to your solos
- increased chording abilities (for example, easy chord shifting)
Late Intermediate
This program could be the ‘missing link’ between regular and outstanding guitar playing.
At this stage, we will assimilate everything you learned until now, by adding:
- speed, so you sound great without being boring or exaggerated
- combined guitar techniques, as a foundation for great solos and riffs
- your own personality & twist, for a neat overall performance and sound
Bug Fixing
Bad habits can cause serious problems to your guitar playing. These 'bugs' will make you sound sloppy, unfinished and generally bad.
The BUG FIXING kit breaks down all aspects of your guitar playing and helps you fix these issues upon attending:
- solo meetings, where we strategically survey your guitar playing and build a custom strategy to repair, avoid and overcome bugs
- ensemble meetings, where we apply everything that you learned in the solo meetings PLUS you have the opportunity to play alongside guitarists that had the same challenges
Band Coaching
Musicians in a band must have strong bonds and "speak the same language", in order to be able to sound like a WHOLE.
Rehearsal time is key and can have a decisive impact on the band's performance.
*This program* is designed for bands and aims to:
- help your band sound professional, using proper tech & equipment
- teach you how to deal with both studio and live challenges
- allow you to easily communicate with other musicians at professional level, in terms of both theory and execution
Guitar Workout
The same thing that a gym coach does, but here we "workout" our playing skills, not our muscles.
The Guitar Workout program covers:
- how, what and when to practice, to increase your skills and get noticeable results from one session to another
- instilling a motivating home practice routine, that further improves your overall practice efficiency
- integrating new skills into already developed ones
Gear & Sound
A good sound is compulsory when it comes to pros.
This workshop explains how to make proper use of gear and tech, by looking at:
- different puzzle pieces that define your sound - from guitar models to pickups, amps, preamps, cabinets, speakers and down to effects (like drive, distortion, delay, reverb, modulation, and so on) and the various ways of connecting them
- lots of *filtering* (EQ’s, High Pass, Low Pass, Gates) and *compression*
- the famous *digital vs analog* ‘war’
NOTE: To attend this class you are not supposed to know or do anything in advance.
Reserve your seatScales & Modes
This workshop covers certain theory subjects that are considered the very fabrics of rhythmic music for guitarists.
The target is to:
- make you understand and use wisely the most important scales and modes that contemporary musicians are attracted to
- improve all your playing areas, by understanding the substance of music
- make you aware of the difference between *modal and classic harmonies*
NOTE: To attend this class you are expected to have minimum music theory knowledge.
Reserve your seatChords & Voicings
Chording is the ability to choose and cleanly play the right chords at the right time.
Getting into this technique, in combination with soloing, will allow you to genuinely achieve freedom of expression.
This workshop provides critical knowledge about:
- how to group chords according to their theoretical characteristics
- chord patterns on each group of strings and easy ways to memorise them
- arrangement and rearrangement principles
NOTE: To attend this class you are expected to have minimum music theory knowledge.
Reserve your seat